Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a restful winter break! We are working hard in the classroom on our second term units. Students have enjoyed learning about colour and important people in our community. There has also been an emphasis on gathering more information about winter and the changes this season brings.

As we begin to focus on reading and writing more, it is important to practice these skills at home to reinforce what we are learning in the classroom. Making letters out of play dough, reading simple books together and having your child point out letters or words they know, trying a fun literacy app or game on the tablet or computer are all great ways to promote these skills.

In math we are focusing on numbers to 20, naming the number that is one more and one less than a given number, learning 2D shapes, representing numbers in different ways and participating in number talks and math story problems. Playing card games like war, counting a collection of objects, writing numbers in yogurt or pudding and playing board games are just a few ideas to further develop your child's numeracy skills.

I'm also mindful of how important it is to work on and develop social skills in Kindergarten too! We have talked a lot about how to solve problems in a respectful way, how we can become more independent and how to be a kind and helpful friend. I must brag about manners in the classroom.  Students have done an awesome job of using manners to ask for things politely!

If you need any further activities or ideas about how to help your child with a specific skill, don't hesitate to contact me. It has been amazing to see so much growth in such a short period of time with all of the students this year.

All the best in 2020!!

Mrs. Lavallee

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